ENT Laser surgeries , may sound new but has been around for very long.
The question is,how much do we know about it.
It is a very beautiful tool and it creates a new wave for 3 D reconstruction of the human anatomy especially the Head Neck.
I am a true believer in this.
Please check on this cos , it is awesome, I am sure it will erase the general myth (sinus disease can't heal) in the mind of many.
This modern era in medicine has to acknowledge the existence of Laser .
Catch up with me while I update you on this .
I will upload videos and photos of the surgeries .
We can learn together and create better understanding of the modern technology that is available in Malaysia.
Inquiry about the possibility of treatment of Post Intubation sub vocal Tracheal Stenosis since 5 years, on permanent tracheostomy
ReplyDeleteI have this case
Current illness
My son 33 years is complaining of Post Intubation sub vocal Tracheal Stenosis since 5 years, on permanent tracheostomy.
Past illness:
He had history of Germinoa in the posterior pituitary gland diagnosed on December 2004, that led to acute obstructive hydrocephaly, where lifesaving Ventriculoperitoneal shunt was done in My country (Yemen) BUT the shunt was blocked in 5 weeks’ later while we were Malaysia looking for Gamma knife surgery, the second lifesaving very successful Ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery was done in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, after which the patient was able to travel by Air to Bangkok within a week seeking Gamma knife surgery, which was not available in Malaysia at that time.
MARI showed more than 3 cm tumor in the poster pituitary gland with two small (1-3 mm) sites of dissemination in the anterior horns of the cerebral verticals, for which Gamma knife surgery was no more indicated.
The permanent damage to the Parts of the posterior pituitary gland left the patient with permanent panhypopititrism, for which total hormonal therapy (Desmopressin (Minirin Nasal Spray), Thyroxin tab, prednisolone) was give and found very effective till date.
During his hospitalization in Bangkok he developed in epileptic fits for which phenytoin sodium tablet was prescribed for him.
A biopsy histopathology reveled Germinoa, that treated by 6 weeks Radio therapy for brain and Whole spines & 3 cycles Chemotheraby, the first one done in Bangkok and other tow cycles were done after we return to my country Yemen with 3weeks intervals, during the second two cycles of the chemotherapy the patient went into very critical complete coma and admitted for ICU for weeks.
During the period of 2005-2007 he return to his normal life with continuation of the medical treatments mentioned above,
In September 2007 he developed epileptic fits, taken to the emergency ward in Yemen, there were no phenytoin sodium available and Phenobarbitone was give instead, but he went into over sedation and remained in coma for months, on mechanical ventilator through endotracheal intubations and tracheostomy.
After three months he improved and recovered from coma the tracheostomy opening was closed and he started breathing through nose and mouth, no guide wire was left in place of the tracheostomy opening.
But in 6 hours’ time a sudden developed blockage of the respiration, where the ICU (under training post graduate physician) tried to make intubations for number of attempt (that might cussed some trauma) even some bleeding was noted on the laryngoscope.
The patient went again into coma for another three months, and then discharged from the hospital after which he recovered at home nursing and rehabilitation very slowly in about 6 months’ time.
He is he is stable now with treatment of Desmopressin (Minirin Nasal Spray), Keppra 500mg, Sinemet (Carbidopa-Levodopa ) tab, Thyroxin Tab, prednisolone tab, lorazepam tab, PK Merz tab..
Now he hearing is almost completely impaired (can only hear little cricks and fractions while using Medical Earphones,
He is unable to talk for the last five years due to the tracheostomy, I am Afraid if in future he also loss his Vision, there will be no way to communicate with him.
Since that time till date I have tried my best to make money to enable me for his treatment abroad, in my opinion and observation it was also good period to have him fit for another surgery.
I will be very grateful if you share me your mobile contact number to call you for advise, I ready to treat him at my own cost read to travel to any place you may advice.
I believe succeeding in treating such complicated case will add history to the history Doctors and institutions and family.